Elephants DC is dedicated to ending the ivory trade worldwide and advancing elephant well-being. An all-volunteer nonprofit founded in January 2014, Elephants DC successfully advocated for the end of all ivory and rhino horn sales in New Jersey, initiating the citizen effort led by bipartisan lawmakers who enacted the first complete domestic ivory sales ban in American history. Elephants DC has organized multiple public marches to the White House from the Lincoln Memorial on World Animal Day and serves as a media watch dog for elephants, as evident with the organization’s work to stop the export of wild-caught elephants to China from Zimbabwe which resulted in National Geographic’s publication of undercover photos showing elephants in quarantine prior to their exportation to Asia. In 2015, Elephants DC partnered with a Gabonese NGO to support the preservation of forest elephants living in Moukalaba-Doudou National Park. Additionally, Elephants DC is organizing the New Jersey Ivory Crush on World Elephant Day, August 12, at Liberty State Park in Jersey City to raise awareness that elephants face extinction and only elephants need ivory.