Ending illegal trade in wildlife and protecting endangered species on the brink of extinction is an issue that children and youth are passionate about and central to achieving. While these issues are not part of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)’s programmes, children and youth have rightfully told UNICEF and others that protecting and preserving all living things on the planet is important to the well being of people, prosperity and peace, too. Throughout the consultations that helped shape the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we have heard the many voices of children and youth that hope to improve the well-being of the planet and we believe this future generation has the passion to truly change the world.
Moreover, UNICEF commits to Wild for Life because the wellbeing of the planet hinges on the positive engagement of young people to reject, not participate in, illegal trade. We commit to encouraging young people to raise awareness and take action for all people to end harm to wildlife and the environment. We hope you share why you are #WildForLife and invite you to express your views and experiences on Voices of Youth, UNICEF's global online community for children and youth. Submit a blog post or simply browse through the dedicated page on environmental issues. We have heard your dreams for a better world and we’re listening.