Connect4Climate is the World Bank Group’s global climate communications and partnership program, dedicated to driving global action on climate change. It communicates knowledge and offers solutions, connects individuals and groups and amplifies partners events and activities.
Among the many initiatives and projects, Connect4Climate has just announced the launch of the Film4Climate Global Video Competition. The competition invites aspiring young filmmakers from around the world to express their vision for a sustainable future by creating a PSA or short film about climate action.
Filmmakers are encouraged to deploy personal narratives that explore fundamental questions such as: What does climate change mean to me? What actions am I taking to mitigate global warming? What is my Climate Action message to the world? This may include illustration of how climate change can exacerbate Illegal Trade in Wildlife through the effects it has on the livelihood of many. Connect4Cliamte encourages filmmakers to submit entries to this effect.
PSAs must be under one minute and short films 1-5 minutes to qualify, and the competition is open to filmmakers between 14 to 35 years old. Submissions will be open through September 15. For full competition rules and eligibility requirements, please visit: connect4climate.org The winners of theFilm4Climate Global Video Competition will be announced at an official awards event at the COP 22 climate summit in Marrakech, Morocco in November 2016.