Indonesia's Efforts to Tackle Illegal Trade in Wildlife
President Jokowi has launched the national movement for wildlife conservation on April 14th 2016.
As a universal heritage for us and our next generations, wildlife is integrated within the issue of biodiversity and human well-being. For in wildlife, we adhere to the hope for healing and spirituality for human recovery, more than our own physical and life support systems. The illegal wildlife trade is a cross border crime against human beings and the human ecosystem, and has to be combated.
For a mega-biodiversity country, Indonesia has improved regulation and law enforcement. We also go beyond tightening our wildlife exit gates, by strengthening international cooperation through multilateral fora such as the CITES, APEC, UNODC and ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network, as well as bilaterally with the EU, the US, the UK, Australia, and Canada. Promotion of participation of the people, also through Civil Society Organizations, is an important aspect. We encourage a strong international effort to combat illegal wildlife trade as an extraordinary crime.