In response to the current poaching and illegal wildlife trade crisis, the GEF Council launched the flagship “Global Partnership on Wildlife Conservation and Crime Prevention for Sustainable Development” in June 2015. A $90 million grant from the GEF is helping to mobilize an additional $513 million from a wide range of partners, including the Governments of participating countries, GEF Agencies, bilateral and multilateral donors, foundations, the private sector and civil society. The program aims at stopping poaching, trafficking and demand for wildlife and wildlife products illegally traded between Africa and Asia. It is a comprehensive effort to protect threatened species and their habitats, with a suite of investments to address the problems and look for short and long term solutions in the source, transit and demand countries. The Program will carry out activities in eight African countries, Botswana, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gabon, Mozambique, Republic of Congo, Tanzania, and Zambia, as well as in India and Indonesia. The program is expected to add a total of nine new country-based projects in Kenya, Malawi, Mali, South Africa, and Zimbabwe in Africa and Afghanistan, Philippines Thailand, and Vietnam in Asia. In the end, this Global Program is expected to include projects from 19 countries with a total investments of US$ 130 million from the GEF leveraging US$ 700 million in co-financing. The GEF agencies assisting countries in developing and implementing these projects are the Asian Development Bank, the UN Development Program, the UN Environment Program, and the World Bank.