Through the Wildlife Crime Initiative, WWF will use our global network to catalyse greater national and international efforts to end wildlife crime. We will collaborate with a wide range of partners to boost initiatives to stop the global poaching crisis, target the international organized crime networks driving the illegal trade, and reduce the consumer demand that is fuelling it.
WWF International
Through the Wildlife Crime Initiative, WWF will use our global network to catalyse greater national and international efforts to end wildlife crime. We will collaborate with a wide range of partners to boost initiatives to stop the global poaching crisis, target the international organized crime networks driving the illegal trade, and reduce the consumer demand that is fuelling it.
WWF International
Par le biais de l'initiative contre la criminalité liée aux espèces sauvages, le Fonds mondial pour la nature (WWF) utilisera son réseau mondial afin de catalyser de plus grands efforts nationaux et internationaux pour mettre fin à la criminalité liée aux espèces sauvages. En collaborant avec un large éventail de partenaires pour stimuler des initiatives pour mettre fin à la crise mondiale du braconnage, en ciblant les réseaux internationaux du crime organisé qui pilotent le commerce illégal, et en réduisant la demande des consommateurs qui l'alimente.
WWF International
Through the Wildlife Crime Initiative, WWF will use our global network to catalyse greater national and international efforts to end wildlife crime. We will collaborate with a wide range of partners to boost initiatives to stop the global poaching crisis, target the international organized crime networks driving the illegal trade, and reduce the consumer demand that is fuelling it.
WWF International
As a capacity development organization, we pledge to continue our support to organizations around the world working on the front line of tacking the illegal trade in wildlife and the conservation of biodiversity. As an institution we pledge: • To support and promote the work of local and international organizations on the frontlines of stopping the illegal trade in wildlife by leveraging our social media presence and social networks. • To develop the capacity of our partners to use creative communications to combat the illegal trade in wildlife. • To encourage our staff and partners to recognize the environmental, social and economic cost of the illegal trade in wildlife on local communities.
PCI Media
As a capacity development organization, we pledge to continue our support to organizations around the world working on the front line of tacking the illegal trade in wildlife and the conservation of biodiversity. As an institution we pledge: • To support and promote the work of local and international organizations on the frontlines of stopping the illegal trade in wildlife by leveraging our social media presence and social networks. • To develop the capacity of our partners to use creative communications to combat the illegal trade in wildlife. • To encourage our staff and partners to recognize the environmental, social and economic cost of the illegal trade in wildlife on local communities.
PCI Media
Как организация, деятельность которой направлена на развитие потенциала, мы обязуемся продолжать поддерживать организации по всему миру, непосредственно борющиеся с незаконным оборотом дикими животными и растениями в целях сохранения биоразнообразия. Мы обязуемся: • Поддерживать борьбу местных и международных организаций, противостоящих незаконной торговле дикими животными и растениями, с помощью наших информационных каналов и социальных сетей; • Развивать творческий потенциал наших партнёров в борьбе с незаконной торговлей дикими животными и растениями; • Поощрять своих сотрудников и партнёров распространять информацию в обществе об экологическом, социальном и экономическом негативном воздействии незаконной торговли дикими животными и растениями.
Общественная организация PCI Media Impact
As a capacity development organization, we pledge to continue our support to organizations around the world working on the front line of tacking the illegal trade in wildlife and the conservation of biodiversity. As an institution we pledge: • To support and promote the work of local and international organizations on the frontlines of stopping the illegal trade in wildlife by leveraging our social media presence and social networks. • To develop the capacity of our partners to use creative communications to combat the illegal trade in wildlife. • To encourage our staff and partners to recognize the environmental, social and economic cost of the illegal trade in wildlife on local communities.
PCI Media
