The Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP) pledges to leverage the full energy and expertise of the 104 national governments, conservation organizations, research institutions, United Nations agencies and private companies that comprise this unique alliance towards ending the illegal trade in great apes and all endangered wildlife. GRASP will support law enforcement, counter corruption, and change behavior through dedicated programmes, and will insist on zero tolerance for any illegal activity regarding chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos. This ends now. GRASP commits to take this message to all relevant policy makers, government officials and key stakeholders to ensure that the illegal trade that has pushed so many iconic species to the brink of extinction goes no further. GRASP and its Ambassadors will aggressively support the United Nations’#WildlforLife campaign to ensure its ultimate success.
The Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP) pledges to leverage the full energy and expertise of the 104 national governments, conservation organizations, research institutions, United Nations agencies and private companies that comprise this unique alliance towards ending the illegal trade in great apes and all endangered wildlife. GRASP will support law enforcement, counter corruption, and change behavior through dedicated programmes, and will insist on zero tolerance for any illegal activity regarding chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos. This ends now. GRASP commits to take this message to all relevant policy makers, government officials and key stakeholders to ensure that the illegal trade that has pushed so many iconic species to the brink of extinction goes no further. GRASP and its Ambassadors will aggressively support the United Nations’#WildlforLife campaign to ensure its ultimate success.
The Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP) pledges to leverage the full energy and expertise of the 104 national governments, conservation organizations, research institutions, United Nations agencies and private companies that comprise this unique alliance towards ending the illegal trade in great apes and all endangered wildlife. GRASP will support law enforcement, counter corruption, and change behavior through dedicated programmes, and will insist on zero tolerance for any illegal activity regarding chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos. This ends now. GRASP commits to take this message to all relevant policy makers, government officials and key stakeholders to ensure that the illegal trade that has pushed so many iconic species to the brink of extinction goes no further. GRASP and its Ambassadors will aggressively support the United Nations’#WildlforLife campaign to ensure its ultimate success.
Le Partenariat pour la survie des grands singes (GRASP) s'engage à tirer parti de toute l'énergie et de l'expertise des 104 gouvernements nationaux, des organismes de conservation, des institutions de recherche, des organismes des Nations Unies et des entreprises privées qui composent cette alliance unique pour mettre fin au commerce illégal des grands singes et de toutes les espèces sauvages en voie de disparition. Le GRASP soutiendra l'application de la loi, la lutte contre la corruption, et le changement des comportements grâce à des programmes dédiés, et insistera sur la tolérance zéro pour toute activité illégale concernant les chimpanzés, les gorilles, les orangs-outans et les bonobos. Ce commerce doit prendre fin dès maintenant. Le GRASP engage à faire passer ce message à tous les décideurs politiques, les responsables gouvernementaux et les intervenants clés afin d'assurer que le commerce illégal qui a poussé tant d'espèces emblématiques au bord de l'extinction n'aille pas plus loin. Le GRASP et ses ambassadeurs soutiennent agressivement la campagne #WildlforLife de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour assurer son succès final.
类人猿生存伙伴关系组织(GRASP)承诺充分利用自己的专长,组织104个国家政府、环保组织、研究机构、联合国机构和私人公司共同结束类人猿和所有濒危野生动植物的非法贸易。类人猿生存伙伴关系将助力加强执法、对抗腐败、通过特殊项目改变人们的行为,并坚持零容忍任何针对黑猩猩、大猩猩、红毛猩猩和倭黑猩猩的非法活动。组织致力于向所有相关政策制定者、政府官员和利益相关者宣传相关理念,确保标志性物种不再遭受非法贸易的戕害。类人猿生存伙伴关系及其大使将不遗余力地支持联合国 #为生命呐喊运动,以确保其最终的成功。
The Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP) pledges to leverage the full energy and expertise of the 104 national governments, conservation organizations, research institutions, United Nations agencies and private companies that comprise this unique alliance towards ending the illegal trade in great apes and all endangered wildlife. GRASP will support law enforcement, counter corruption, and change behavior through dedicated programmes, and will insist on zero tolerance for any illegal activity regarding chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos. This ends now. GRASP commits to take this message to all relevant policy makers, government officials and key stakeholders to ensure that the illegal trade that has pushed so many iconic species to the brink of extinction goes no further. GRASP and its Ambassadors will aggressively support the United Nations’#WildlforLife campaign to ensure its ultimate success.
As a capacity development organization, we pledge to continue our support to organizations around the world working on the front line of tacking the illegal trade in wildlife and the conservation of biodiversity. As an institution we pledge: • To support and promote the work of local and international organizations on the frontlines of stopping the illegal trade in wildlife by leveraging our social media presence and social networks. • To develop the capacity of our partners to use creative communications to combat the illegal trade in wildlife. • To encourage our staff and partners to recognize the environmental, social and economic cost of the illegal trade in wildlife on local communities.
PCI Media
Through the Wildlife Crime Initiative, WWF will use our global network to catalyse greater national and international efforts to end wildlife crime. We will collaborate with a wide range of partners to boost initiatives to stop the global poaching crisis, target the international organized crime networks driving the illegal trade, and reduce the consumer demand that is fuelling it.
TNC pledges to continue to combat the ivory poaching crisis by stepping up security, expanding community-run safe havens, educating consumers, cleaning up the online marketplace, supporting social media awareness campaigns, and more. #WildForLife #SaveElephants
The Nature Conservancy
TRAFFIC will use our decades’ worth of experience in monitoring and analysing illegal wildlife trade and collaborate with others to help address wildlife crime at every point along the trade chain: helping those protecting wildlife at source, those policing national borders, through to curtailing the underlying demand that fuels the trade. We will not stop until the international poaching crisis has been brought to an end.
