« En tant que Secrétaire général de la Convention sur les espèces migratrices (CMS), je m’engage ici à travailler avec les gouvernements et toutes les parties prenantes importantes en vue de mettre un terme à la capture et au commerce illégal de tortues marines dans le monde. C’est pourquoi ma première action en ce sens consiste à apporter mon soutien à la campagne #WildforLife des Nations Unies en vue de sensibiliser le public à ce problème et d’aider à lutter contre la demande. » —Dr Bradnee Chambers, Secrétaire général de la Convention sur les espèces migratrices appartenant à la faune sauvage (CMS)
“作为《迁徙物种公约》(CMS) 的执行秘书,我谨此承诺与各国政府和所有主要利益相关方精诚协作,以杜绝世界各地的非法海龟捕获和交易。我采取的第一步便是,将我的声音献给联合国的#为生命呐喊 运动,以助提高公众对这个问题的认识,朝着解决这一要求迈出重要的一步。” — 布雷德尼·钱伯斯博士,《保护迁徙野生动物物种公约》(CMS) 执行秘书
Xinhua pledges to use our sphere of influence to help end the illegal wildlife trade through creating content, distributing messaging and lending resources to encourage more sustainable choices that do not threaten species and to reduce demand for illegal wildlife products.
Xinhua News Agency
“Enquanto secretário executivo da Convenção sobre Espécies Migratórias (CMS), comprometo-me pelo presente a trabalhar com os governos e todas as partes interessadas a acabar com o tráfico predatório e o comércio ilegal de tartarugas marinhas em todo o mundo. A minha primeira medida será juntar a minha voz à campanha das Nações Unidas #WildforLife para ajudar a sensibilizar a opinião pública para o assunto como um passo importante para enfrentar a procura.” — Dr. Bradnee Chambers, secretário executivo da Convenção sobre a Conservação das Espécies Migratórias da Fauna Selvagem (CMS)
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service pledges to address both the supply and demand that fuel ivory trade in the United States. We will close our domestic ivory market, cutting off the supply of illegal ivory. We will also reduce consumer demand for ivory products by educating consumers about the impact that ivory trade has on elephant populations.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
“I pledge to support efforts to bring to an end the illegal wildlife trade that is eroding the global commons and robbing the livelihoods of local communities.” —Naoko Ishii, CEO
Global Environment Facility
Connect4Climate is committed to support UNEP’s mission, contributing to addressing the Illegal Trade in Wildlife. In particular, Connect4Climate will use its sphere of influence to support international cooperation and further strengthen political will to address illegal wildlife trade at the national level with a focus on how climate change can exacerbate the problem through affecting the traditional livelihoods of many.
Connect 4 Climate
The current crisis in illegal trade in wildlife is a reflection of how much more we all need to do to save our wildlife and our forests. The World Bank will continue to work with countries and partners to combat wildlife crime by providing financial and technical assistance for conservation and development projects. Being a member of the International Consortium to Combat Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) we are also strengthening governments in their law enforcement and anti-money laundering efforts. As a lead agency of the Global Wildlife Program, we are providing technical support and opportunities to exchange proven solutions among 19 countries in Asia and Africa”. –Claudia Sobrevila, Global Wildlife Program Manager
World Bank
UNICEF commits to Wild for Life because the wellbeing of the planet hinges on the positive engagement of young people to reject, not participate in, illegal trade. We commit to encouraging young people to raise awareness and take action for all people to end harm to wildlife and the environment
