“Comprometo-me a incentivar os principais líderes a acabar com o comércio ilegal da vida selvagem e ajudar a reforçar a ligação entre eles para que protejam as maravilhas naturais que temos em comum.” — Achim Steiner, Diretor Executivo da UNEP
"I pledge to continue to do all that I can to support CITES Parties to make best possible use of this remarkable Convention and to fully and effectively implement CITES requirements. In so doing I will keep working with a vast array of wonderful partners." —John E Scanlon, CITES Secretary-General
"I have always been inspired by wildlife and I want to make it my mission to leave a legacy of a healthy planet, rich with biodiversity, to future generations. I also envision a world in which the communities who live with this wildlife can prosper and flourish, benefitting by living in harmony with nature.” —Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator
"I pledge to urge key leaders to bring an end to the illegal trade in wildlife and help build bridges between them to safeguard our shared natural wonders." —Achim Steiner, Executive Director UNEP
