Hyacinth Macaw
The striking blue Hyacinth Macaw, friendly, outspoken and highly intelligent, is always the life of the party! They are known for being vibrant, lively, and incredibly social within their flocks. They also can live to a ripe old age of 50. They prefer to do everything in pairs and are very loyal to their partners. Hyacinth macaws are gentle in nature and rarely become agitated. They are quite curious and do not fear the unknown, although this can sometimes get them into trouble. These attributes have made them very popular as pets.
Southern Brazil, eastern Bolivia, and northeastern Paraguay
Hyacinth macaws play an important role in their habitats by dispering the seeds and nuts they feed on. This allows seeds to be germinated, and for vegetation to grow throughout their range, providing a base for the rest of the food chain. Without vegetation, which is the foundation of any ecosystem, smaller herbivores would have nothing to feed on and this would consequently impact populations of all predators above them.
Hyacinth macaws are sought as pets because of their lively colors and friendly personalities. The pet trade exports macaws primarily to the United States, although many households in the macaw’s native range have them as pets as well. Many of the captured birds (as much as 99%) die from health complications before ever being sold.
Hyacinth macaws are also killed for their feathers, used by rural communities to make headdresses and art. Although this used to be reserved for religious purposes and did not threaten the macaw population, an increase in tourism to these areas means tourists are now taking home souvenirs made with the macaw’s feathers.
Remember that the best way to express your love for hyacinth macaws is to enjoy them in films, books and in the wild! If you are a bird lover and considering buying one as a pet, make sure it is captive bred as most wild exotic birds are illegal! Keeping pet parrots is a long-term affair since they have long life spans. They are also very social in the wild, so it is important to consider how much of your time, or other bird friends, they will have. If you see hyacinth macaws in exhibitions, ask questions about the animals’ well-being. Determine whether they are being used for conservation purposes or as entertainment, and if they are not part of a conservation program, do not engage with the exhibition.
There are about 6,500 Hyacinth Macaws left in the wild.